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Studio Little Girl Website

Sometimes I have clients that have started a website, but don’t have the time to sit down and really bring all of their ideas to life. This is when the fun begins for me because I love a good challenge.

Pam is an author and artist amongst many other great accomplishments. She wanted to link her book to the publishers website so she did not have to worry about shipping the book herself, but she also wanted a shop where she could sell her art. I separated the two and essentially added a Shopify type area for her to upload her pieces for sale under specified medium types. 

Another important area for her was the about section so her fans could really get to know her. I added several different t photos and broke up the information in a visually appealing way.

Since she is an author, it was only right to create a blog. We came up with the name Bits & Pieces as this area would become a place where she could write a little bit about anything and everything!

Finally, she wanted to have a contact form, but more than just the normal name and email. This section was made into an event request form with detailed information to allow her to be prepared for the exact audience and type of event.

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